Tuesday, February 9, 2021

On the Mooove

I’m going to throw some photos at my blog finally. Moving had its challenges. The physical strain has left me, even now, with some lingering chronic pains. Not being used to the air, the cold brought dry nasal passages, bleeding and, eventually, a persistent sinus infection I had to get antibiotics for. Fatigue and lack of motivation are damn near constant and I know it’s largely due to being an idiot who let her medication refills lapse and haven’t had that balance it was giving me, To be remedied February 17th but I’m still kicking myself for putting myself there.

I’ve done a craft show here and have another coming up February 13th. On another day, I’ll have to gush about Bobby and the folks at Blue Olive Cafe, but this will be a very cluttered post if I try to play catch up with everything at once. 

So... pictures...

First day here. Furniture tentatively placed, but there was a labyrinth of boxes to come that week. We had filled the ‘family room’ space downstairs with all of the boxes and I’d be hauling and unpacking those the whole first week. Only then did I decide I needed a nice large desk and bookcase in the space, as well as a bed frame because my mattress was currently on the floor. As much as I went to bed exhausted, it was a special kind of hell pushing myself up off the floor in the morning to do it all again.

So the bookshelf was the next big change and I must’ve reordered and replaced what was actually on it a few dozen times before I was satisfied. Clearly I was collapsed on my floor bed to snap a quick pic here. There was a lot of that, usually after a therapeutic shower, of course.

Fancy new desk, put together and much better at utilizing space. Not really that fancy; it’s particle board and laminate. Hardwood desks are expensive and, from what I’ve read, not as sturdy anyway. I ended up using Water Seal on the surface for added protection, as well as rubber bumpers on the edges, for both comfort and protection. I haven’t mentioned yet that those pixel magnets are indeed sticking to magnetic paint, a little bonus that came with the house.

Not terribly exciting, but I’m thrilled that the curtains I got to cover my walk-in closet are a pretty damn spot-on color match. Or as close as you can get with premade colors anyway.

Finally got some things up on the taller wall and you can see some of my dolls have a home and the bookshelf is full.

As you can see, She-Ra loves the highest point in my room to sit on. Because cat.

I have an odd amount of bookcase shots... but I think this one came about because the doll that was wearing a purple wig now has a dark blue one? Look, there wasn’t a whole lot to do once the weather got cold, I got sick and the cats were sleeping!

Just throwing some doll shots in there. Realizing I don’t have any of the two now on the back corner of my desk so let me see if I can dig one up...

I’ve since added some dark blushing to the male’s hands and feet, but couldn’t leave them out!

I have a ridiculous amount of cat pictures here but you should know this is a common sight. I have a green laser pointer that they beg to play with by sitting on the mat and staring at me.

Lol I cannot fix the justification on this damn mobile version so I apologize for the sudden centering here, but I’m pretty much done. I have a few pictures of the rest of the house, but probably not the smartest idea giving the whole public a virtual tour of my home.

I’m hoping, come spring, to take some outdoor photographs, both of my dolls and the yard. I do have a passable winter shot from last night when we started getting our first big snow of the year. So I’ll leave you with that, as well as wishes to take care! I know I’ll recover and be able to do more in time, but we must all take life as gracefully as possible. If only to neutralize the amount of people who are about as graceful as a drum kit falling down the stairs...

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