Thursday, July 29, 2021

Tough Love; I’m Grounded

 I woke up feeling slammed by anxiety today. I’m sure it has a little to do with not going on a walk outdoors since Sunday; exercise has helped me regulate anxiety better and its absence tends to mount feelings of guilt. I haven’t been lazy since I still do strength and stretching workouts daily, but those outdoor walks tend to ground me when spending a lot of indoors makes me stir-crazy.

I’ve also decided to stop using social media for a while. I told myself for at least a week but I wouldn’t hate if I could walk away altogether. I’ve tried just saying I would use it as a tool for sharing my projects or as a way to stay in touch with friends, but more often than not, I face it with a sense of dread. How will my words be twisted? Will someone belittle my experiences? Will someone not take a joke and ruin my moods? I’ve carefully culled it with deletes and blocks and snoozes and hiding, but still it’s a gamble of depressing targeted ads or videos, group drama, bans due to shitty algorithms, and more often than not, strangers who make colossal leaps in logic and feel justified in taking out their bullshit on strangers so they don’t have to lash out at people they actually give a shit about (even though they probably take out social media induced bad moods on family as well).

There’s no particular catalyst in that decision; since I couldn’t attach a reason to the anxiety, I didn’t uselessly attach something to it. I just asked myself what exists in my life that I may be using as an excuse, that may be feeding my struggles more than lifting me up. I can say the same thing of Quora too. I started looking in hobby groups for people needing help and for months, rather than doing my own projects, I’ve just been ‘sharing my wisdom’. That is something I am consciously aware that I have been using as an excuse to not work on my own projects.

And yeah, I can tell myself to ease up. I wrote a ton of books in a short span of time. But weeks stretched into months and then years and I have become too comfortable with avoiding what used to bring me joy. I once again realize that I never draw or write anything of substance or discipline and rationalize knowledge as some sort of contribution.

Have I mentioned I never liked the word ‘contribution’? It’s always a way we bully each other and ourselves to deliver some meaningful thing to society but we rarely allow ourselves to actually define or control how we assert it. We generally let assholes and rich people (not mutually exclusive) make us feel selfish if our ‘contributions’ aren’t selfless enough, yet they ironically define selfless as benefiting themselves directly. It’s just more psychological fuckery that society tries to push to terrorize you out of finding that balance of mindfulness and happiness and into resigning yourself to some miserable assignment that never utilizes your actual best talents at all.

Like with current events, in fact. How often was I seeing people talking shit about people on unemployment because their favorite shitty fast food joints are closed and we’re not all stumbling at the opportunity to fill garbage jobs we’re overqualified for? Like dignity has a fucking price tag. Fucking hypocrites would never consider dealing with assholes like themselves either…

This is another thing I can contribute to the influence of social media. There’s a bitterness that I discarded years ago that has crept back in. Too many garbage ideas and garbage opinions are worming their way in again and I’m tired of letting any of it camp out in my head. I’m tired of letting these things influence my mood and ideas. I’m sick of them crushing my ability to embrace fantasy and romance and storytelling. 

Most of all, I’m tired of any and all distractions that give me the excuse to prolong my unhappiness. I’ve talked so much about ‘grounding’ myself when anxiety sends me into orbit but maybe I need an old-fashioned grounding. Maybe I need to sit in a corner staring at walls when I repeatedly refuse to cultivate my talents or work on projects. Maybe I need to feel boredom to the point of tears when I’m so blessed to have so many projects waiting to be done and ignore every last one of them. And for the lukewarm unknown territory of what notifications await me on these social media sites that haven’t fulfilled anything for me in a very long time. It’s just easier to blame social media than my own terrible choices.

So I’m going to confine myself to doing nothing at all if I can’t pull my priorities together any other way.

On a good note, I did actually work on Mena today. I did some more gold trim on her top and will add jewels to that next. Waiting for some pliers to come in the mail to refine the shape of her anklets before I decorate those, but there’s plenty of other tasks I can hop over too until then.

I thought about the projects that all drifted away even before the pandemic. The half written stories and books, the digital paintings in limbo, the dismantled dolls and marked crochet. Altogether it’s… intimidating and a lot. I do realize I took on more than was sustainable and I’ve made it formidable to return to. At the time, I thought creating so many choices would ensure I was never bored. After leaving them hanging, it’s only made them more intimidating to return to. I don’t remember where I was with any of them. Luckily, I always set up bread crumbs along the way, though much sturdier stuff than Hansel or Gretel, so I could redirect myself for the inevitability of memory loss if I stepped away too long.

Like with most things, I am setting limits for returning to good habits. I am not a dozen of me and setting myself up for creative paralysis is worse than just limiting what I take on to begin with. I’ve decided that those projects itching to be started will have to wait their turn in notebooks. I’ll do what I can in this life. Concerning myself with what is wasteful is useless, only the pang of regret I’ll have to live with is worth changing. I’ll be gone someday and none of it will matter. 

This is why this one and only life is precious, why I would never devalue anyone’s struggles in theirs. This is it. The nonexistence of death is exactly like before I was born. This life is simply precious for what I can make it and it’s foolish to squander it on what others want for me. I have to wear this skin and feel its pain. If I don’t vouch for what I feel and know, I do not do it justice. There is no grand design. There is simply value in this. Without reason, it is just exquisite and beautiful to feel and think and live for the present. To grow in love and kindness and to feel important. 

To fly off in a fancy of fantasy… and to ground myself again. To dream and to rest and to hope with no promise of anything.

I just want to share my discoveries and ideas and truly make informed choices. With as little distractions and excuses as possible. 

Balance is always the tricky part.

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Doll Progress and Stuff

 Trying to write headers when you just want to dump your thoughts a bit… ugh. Just ugh. I never seem to have just a single (or two) topic to write about these days, which is why I miss my old writing and drawing marathons. Although I couldn’t really talk about the pieces themselves, they seemed to inspire me into a tutorial phase or some more focused thoughts.

But for today, I can at least say I feel satisfied. I did some normal things like wake up in the morning and eat meals at semi-normal times. Although I did pick the hottest part of the day to go on a walk in the park, I came back, cleaned up and actually worked on one of my dolls.

This time, I carefully glued 8, um… eye-shaped jewels onto the gold trim around her waist. Lol pointed on the opposite ends, curved to meet them. There is likely a fancier word for them but looking it up to use it would likely send other people into doing the same. I’m still going to look it up later because I’m insanely curious.

Once I did the jewels on the trim, I had some appliqués that I wasn’t quite sure where I wanted them but I held them up along the sides of her pants and they look terrific there. So I used a paintbrush to apply some E6000 glue to the backs of the appliqués. Leaving the pants on the doll and her on a stand, I carefully pressed them to the clothing, making sure it wasn’t soaking through and glueing to the leg. The glue is kind of gummy at this point so probably the perfect stage to avoid that. I’m sure there are areas that will need to be touched up, but I was as thorough as I could be on the edges and the thickest parts of the embroidery. I was going to edge the bottom of the pants with trim and jewels too, but I want to wire some tallish, like half-calf height, anklets so it will overlap that area. So next on her will be decorating the anklets, shoes and touching up the appliqués.

As for the male doll, Maxim, the next step is shaping the EVA foam with a heat gun for his armor pieces. Once those are cooled, I can glue and trim the fabric and start thinking about where I want the rivets and grommets to be. I may do a foam sword for him, but I’m thinking that over. I’d have to design that in layers carefully. I’d like to research real and fantasy swords designs to find something that suits him.

But this is a sort of day I’d like to make more habitual. To do self-care on all levels, mental, physical, emotional, and integrate time for creativity (which also hits some of those levels but also fulfills my need for productivity and meeting goals); this has always been my aim. It’s probably not realistic to frame every day in this ideal way, but that is why I say it’s my aim and not being firm about controlling it.

Being healthy is still a struggle. I’ve been sticking to a reasonable diet, exercise and vitamin habit. I still struggle for energy and stamina but there are marked improvements. Sometimes I just notice a muscle is more prominent in movement, or there’s a little less skin to pinch. I can engage my core better which is always impossible when starting out ( and exercise gurus are really frustrating about not knowing that…)

It’s hard to suck in your gut, let alone tighten ab muscles long out of use. You can’t really ‘feel’ those lats and obliques and abs like they say you can until you’ve gained some strength with the exercises. It all feels pretty gross and vulnerable at first, like everything is slopping around and reluctant to accept it. I don’t just mean that to be the realization of any fat I’m pushing around, but more the limitation in mobility and strength and flexibility.  For one, I’ve always had big thighs and I can try all I like, but my ass will not physically touch my ankle… on my left side. Or I notice I have better balance on one side. It’s not always the dominant side that is more flexible or strong either. The only exercise videos I’ve ever done where the instructor addresses this at all is Tony Horton. I love his videos just because he’ll take time in those long sets to actually explain milestones and unique differences. And once you know to look for them and not be so fixated on the scale or tape measure, you start to relax a bit more and appreciate how you move. Even with yoga, you learn proper form of course, but you start to pay attention and learn which muscles link to others, how to stretch, flex or relax to go deeper into that posture.

I’ve always loved how Terry Crewes would show off his muscle knowledge playfully; you could really admire the knowledge that goes into knowing your muscles that well. And from experience, I can say it feels freaking amazing to start moving every little muscle with real command.

I know for this to be different from last time, to be sustainable, I can’t let it become an obsession. Same with creativity. I will need to set limits and bring each facet of myself into every day as possible. It can’t become a crippling chore. Some days I will be okay with vigorous exercise and rest. Some recovery days will be light exercise and creative marathons. Yet the aim will be days where I’m sampling each in moderation. Being a little militant when I’m indulging too much or a lot more forgiving when I’ve been pushing too relentlessly.

Sometimes I’ll just want to share my progress with all the bits. A focused blog would be nice at some point, but being in a precarious and vulnerable place of change means I’m not in a place to really adhere to that.

Right now, I’m blogging to spare some of my friends and social media the long winded diatribes. Nobody needs that. I can save it for all five people who read this somehow.

Whoever you are, muah! Thanks for the silent support! 

Saturday, July 17, 2021

For the Love of Lists

If there’s one thing this past year had taught us, it’s the odd phenomenon of losing touch with things that were second-nature pre-pandemic. The sort of gaping emptiness of my creative drive was no surprise, but the truly shocking one for me was that I stopped making lists. 

In my early twenties, my friend Liz joked that me and her husband were the only people she knew that would carefully flip through game magazines and write down every game we wanted, sometimes in order of priority, sometimes in sections according to platform it was on. I probably took a bit further than he did since sometimes I’d even alphabetize it later. Or go through my whole game library and write those down by platform and alphabetical order.

What can I say? I loved to organize and reorganize in written form. It was less about usefulness or reference, more about satisfying anxiety or chaos.

It wasn’t the lack of anxiety that made lists less appealing. I always go through filtering phases and, optimally, creativity is the most productive and satisfying. I have very little control over which one will grip me and keep me interested. Over time, I’ve gotten better at recognizing destructive habits and filtering them better, but I’ll still go into spending spirals or time-sucking but useless repetitive tasks.

Anyone who says the pandemic didn’t untether their habits quite a bit is full of shit.

Either way, I keep gazing at the projects I’ve let pile up and glare at me from across the room. Or don’t exactly because as much as I love dolls, I don’t like their gazes trained on me or all looking in one direction for that matter. It’s not just a ‘creepy doll’ thing; it’s unnerving when my cats stare at me, when I make eye contact period and especially when someone is staring past you but looks like they’re studying you intensely. I’m straying a lot now, but these PROJECTS, aka dolls, stand in various degrees of completion and I have very slowly and inconsistently made progress.

And tonight… I dug out a notebook and made a list. It’s probably been a month since I’ve made one. That one was called ‘Bag of Monday’ and it was the start of knocking out about five procrastinated goals. And three total bullshit ones that just made me laugh (like, scream at the sun). I made two tonight actually, dully titled ‘MAXIM’ and ‘MENA’, who are my so-called ‘grail dolls’ or my absolute most-coveted dolls. But unlike most thing I do, straight to the point.

I wrote down the types of armor I did templates for, followed by what materials I’ll use and options for decorating. I drew some loose drawings but nothing specific since it’s less helpful in the creative process to be restrained to a set design when I’m not 100% certain. Certainty usually comes with confidence while working with and testing the materials by hand.

His is fairly straightforward. The pieces are cut already, the fabrics laid out, just needed to make simple points so I don’t rush and miss steps relying on a certain order.

Hers is a pain in the ass. It’s all elaborate trim, different gauges of wire, tons of shiny jewelry and dangling chains. Things to set with clips then glue with jewels, drape with fabric. Rings to clamp, wire to twist into shape. Her wig will need beads weaved in, braids carefully plaited, headdress completed. Some steps either get done first or become a pain later. She is layers and details and she’s going to look jaw-droppingly gorgeous (even though her character absolutely despises the rigidity of luxury and perfection).

So I labored through the awkward formation of these lists, both remembering the calm of the task but the tension of task-ordering. And… it feels so normal again. It was like tearing the training wheels off and careening down a steep hill, relying more on gravity to propel you than skill, but the results were anything but a broken heap at the bottom.

I think neglect is an important but frustrating necessity for me. I really have to push too hard, want it too badly, cry because I can’t have it, give up too long and try it again with the cynicism that it’s gone forever to ever hope of getting it back. And like actual famine and hunger, maybe there is a point of no return. I haven’t run into it yet but I always fear it. Maybe that fear has to remain to ensure it’s even possible to restore it. If you can truly say good riddance to a dream, a passion, and never look back, I guess you won’t miss it at all.

Kinda wish my brain worked like that. Sometimes I’ll watch a cooking show and cry over a cat I had that’s been dead for decades. It’s all in there, my life, mostly lost to memory on demand but slamming into the shaky gates at any old time. I don’t shed old dreams. Sure, I don’t want to grow up and be a lifeguard, an archaeologist or a marine biologist anymore but sometimes those facets of myself are reborn through characters I draw or write or craft.

Sometimes the only way to sort these chaotic halls of memory is to make lists.

So welcome back, old friend. You were missed.

Friday, July 9, 2021

Weigh In on Korean Skincare Routine

 Back in December, I had one of my random ‘fits of hysterics’ and decided to chemically burn two bumps on my face that I constantly scratched open until they bled. Of course, I didn’t realize I got it on healthy skin and left it on too long and ended up with some gnarly scarring.

I’m not the type to believe my life is ruined over facial scarring, but I was worried that they would end up being puffy… and cause me to just pick at them again. I looked at scar healing creams and silicone bandages, but both have a sort of ‘masking’ feeling that I would not be able to leave alone either. 

So I looked into the 10-step Korean skincare method and it works for me. However, it is a learning process because all 10 steps are not a formula for everyone and you may want to chop some out. Here’s what I’ve learned.

3 steps are your daily minimum. Every time you want to take care of your skin, you should use an oil/foam combo cleanser, non-alcohol toner and moisturizer. The rest of the steps can be really relaxing unless you’re pressed for time or just tired, then it’s tedious. The first two steps are actually oil cleanser then foam cleanser, but you can absolutely use terrific combo cleansers. No matter what kinds you use, both will strip your skin and possibly leave it feeling a little tight and dry. Toners prep your skin to absorb moisture and a whipped moisturizer, something light, is best for day use, but a thicker overnight mask is good for evening. As long as you don’t mind keeping extra clean pillowcases handy. Keep to the fully absorbent moisturizers if you don’t want to leave product behind.

Exfoliation and sheet mask steps are also optional. These are what I consider once a week or even once a month spa day extras. Both of these will fall after the cleansing step. Exfoliating can be too abrasive or stripping for frequent use but if you’re noticing a build up of scaly or dry skin, exfoliation can lift that. A sheet mask often takes 10-20 minutes of use but it will pretty much cover steps like toning, ampoule and serum all in one. Some will need to be rubbed in, some rinsed. You can still follow it with a moisturizer and eye cream if you like. It’s not really a time or money saver since it’s actually quicker to use the small amounts of those steps anyway.

My personal choices? I use a double cleanser in a white lily scent (in my shower I use a floral scented double cleanser with a PMD cleaning wand) at the sink. I follow with a few drops of toner, directly in the hand. Cotton swabs absorb and waste so much product. I follow with an ampoule, the super greasy stuff. I realized over time that this order is set for a reason because it goes from greasy and thick to absorbent and thin. You end up with silly, dewy skin by the end. The serum is still oily but a bit thinner. I usually stick to 5-6 drops of each step but I like to rub it on my neck and upper chest too. Hyaluronic acid water cream is my next favorite after that. I then use a smoother, which is a sort of gel like moisturizer. Eye cream goes next, tiny drops applied directly around the eyes. At this point, I let things absorb for a few minutes, brush my teeth or put on body lotion, before returning to a moisturizer or SPF.

Other things I had to learn along the way; keep a sun friendly and not sun friendly option for the last steps. One of my eye creams has retinol which will make your skin more sensitive to light but also kicks so much ass. The other has ingredients that won’t cause sun sensitivity. Same for the moisturizer/SPF step. Sunscreen products tend to be pricier and are completely pointless if you’re going to bed or staying in on a rainy day. Keep your SPF handy for sunny and outdoor days but stick to your cheaper and even thicker moisturizers for your hermit days.

I’ve been doing this for months now and, because of how insanely healthy my skin is, I truly look forward to doing my routine. Any facial scarring is virtually invisible unless I point it out. I do still break out around my menstrual days, but that’s strictly hormonal. If you do need an acne regimen, my advice is to add a CICA cream after toning your skin. Mine does not smell pleasant so I like to mask it with all the smell good products but I forgive the smell since it absolutely zaps acne. Once your skin is completely dry, maybe an hour or two after your routine, CICA acne patches are amazing little clear patches you can’t see or feel so are definitely a bonus.

I actually acquired most of the products I use cheap through Ipsy and a Korean skincare box called BomiBox. BomiBox is pricier at $40 but you get several full sized products that last a long time and I’ve never gotten anything that isn’t incredible for your skin. Ipsy is cheaper for its lowest range but if you don’t pay for Glam Bag Plus or Ultimate, almost everything is sample or half size. If you want to focus on the skincare part of beauty, BomiBox is the clear winner.

And yes, I know the PMD Clean is expensive but I actually got that in a subscription box called FabFitFun. If you ever want to get a respectable hoard of healthy products, subscription boxes tend to get you there much faster than paying full price for each step.

The best part about healthy skin isn’t the vanity aspect. I do not pick at my face anymore. There is literally nothing left to tempt it. And when you’re highly sensory, it is one less thing to amplify your anxiety. All of the smells and liquids were a wonderful exploratory journey as well. 

I highly recommend the Korean skincare method for your best skin health. It truly worked for me!