Sunday, August 16, 2020

PSA: Overthinking Does NOT Make You Smart!

This will be short and sweet, after reading a post that overthinkers can’t be fooled because they fill in all the holes until the story makes sense.

With bullshit, my friends. When you OVERthink, you are not saying you are fully researching all sides or considering the weight of facts. It only tells me that when there isn’t an answer, you’ll panic and grasp at straws.

No reason or logic comes out of racing thoughts. Hell, sometimes you’re not even resolving feelings that way. The very essence of overthinking isn’t the careful resolution of issues and problems. It’s spinning out of control and landing in the mess exhausted but not wiser.

Only once you’re able to both realize your feelings and dig through very uncomfortable facts are you mastering your thoughts into something productive. Intelligence is not about the sheer volume of thought. It is about carefully sorting through facts, and feelings, and developing sustainable logic. Intelligence is also useless without compassion. If you can’t bring yourself to think beyond your own needs and desires, to feel hate or blame, you have not fully resolved to a whole solution. Even the most eccentric, isolated and single-focused geniuses have centered their efforts for the good of mankind.

And in some cases, have been horrified by the abuse of their inventions.

So if you are 100% sure your ‘story’ is flawless, the truth is, you have filled in a lot of cracks with whatever floats around in your incomplete mind. Many conspiracies come right out of the possibilities explored in sci-fi, with technology wrought of pure fantasy, that isn’t even a little possible with our knowledge or ability. Belief doesn’t equal fact. There are always multiple sides to arriving at intelligent conclusions. Being unsure is a healthy sign you aren’t just making shit up.

Overthinking? Just isn’t smart. It’s a sign of irrational distress, not intelligence. It’s like being stuck in fight or flight, with zero action. It’s playing roulette with no ball. Again, you aren’t resolving anything, just stroking your own ego. Intelligence always leaves room for new information where there is none.

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