Wednesday, August 5, 2020

What a Difference a Day Makes!

My mind has weighed heavy with a lot of thoughts over the past few months and they’ve been heavier than ever in the past month alone. Yet today, the weather is absolutely perfect and it’s done something quite miraculous to my moods. I woke up feeling refreshed in a way I haven’t in a long time. I almost forgot it’s possible to feel this way. So I started my day cleaning and the peace has only extended.

I don’t expect it to stick around so it’s a feeling I must take advantage of. Experience tells me to nest, to make the space around me clean and organized, that such a simple thing can keep the peace going longer. It’s not guaranteed, but it’s well worth the effort to give my peace a chance to continue.

I’m at a place where I’m pretty damn content with what I have so now is a time to just wander around, pick things up, dust them if needed, and keep them looking appreciated. It’s quite surreal, having saved money while buying things I want and need. I’ve never quite had a job that let me do that and if I did make good money, I rarely had the time to appreciate what I could get with it. I’ve gotten a taste for what it’s like to have a living wage, although I’d like an actual job to fill my time too... but that’s a whole other line of thought I’m unwilling to pick my brain with at the moment.

So I guess this will be a short post. Just one I’m allowing myself on a good day. To set a reminder that good days do happen and we should always embrace them, feed them positive thoughts and believe we deserve them as well. Especially in times where down days seem to be more frequent. Let good days be a lifeline to self-preservation!

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