Monday, May 1, 2023

Surgery Update

 Just a short post, will make a much more detailed one later. Been keeping notes on my phone’s notepad when possible but it takes a LOT of energy to heal so some days even making sure I breathe well is all I have the energy for. Days 2 and 3 are definitely the big ones to overcome; by 4 PM today, I’ll be at the 72 hour mark (I’ve been going by the time I woke from surgery).

Will post the full notes since they’re full of my mental and emotional journey as well, but I hope to simplify the notes later and in a post of its own to make them easier for others recovering from surgery to reference my observations to determine what is normal. So look for those coming up; one post that is the full notes, one that is edited for easier reference.

Again, my support group helped make this a MUCH more digestible journey.

Also, more details came up that I won’t be able to better explain until after post-op appointment on May 5th. All I know is that the ovary was not inside of the mass but was actually the mass, inflated by a cyst somehow. Which I only understand now as something that could have been responsible for more than what was first suspected and could have even been much more dangerous or even fatal if it had not been addressed. Cysts are trickier in nature. I don’t think it was only a cyst since those are fluid filled and the initial scans were at least clear that the mass was mostly solid tissue. So I’m not clear on the actual anatomy of this mass. Post-op report from hospital does say the rest of the procedure was unremarkable/no complications but that the ovary needed more effort and attention than projected and that the EndoCatch bag used to gather and extract it was upgraded in size once the mass was better identified.

Now back to healing. Had to take a Percoset for the heightened pain after sleep this morning but those make me nauseous and I need rest. Hoping to attempt a shower once I’m mentally clear again.

Stay tuned for updates when possible!

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