Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Boo, Sick...

Still a bit too dizzy to stick around to write very much, but I caught the nasty cold that's been going around my area. This is precisely the reason I was writing so much for NaNo to begin with-- I knew I might need the leeway for just such an obstacle. I might be another day or two off with frequent posting and I do want to discuss the latest Pep Talk in the NaNo mail when I get the chance. There should be the usual two-a-week scheduled posts coming up though (I wrote enough to fill November anyway). 

Can't wait to get back to writing though. It never fails that the brain is always most active when you can't really do much about it. On the upside, I'll have total balloon-head, which is the end part of a cold where I'm really giddy and oddly focused, so I'm looking forward to bringing that to drafting.

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