Thursday, October 24, 2019

NaNoWriMo + Job

The past couple NaNo's, I was lucky enough not to have a steady working gig to conflict. This year? Not so much. Last year, I was only working weekends at King's Island through UpShift, but I do Monday, Tuesday and sometimes cover the rest of the week in my current job situation, so it will present a new challenge to my energy levels and patience. I'm really hoping to get on a stimulant after my November 12th appointment to maybe help with focus and energy levels, but the first part of the month may be iffy.

Like most veteran NaNoWri's, I've been at least gathering my pages of notes and preparing to make the start as smooth as possible, but it's a very rough draft I'm playing with and I almost wish there wasn't a draft that I'd pushed out so hastily and aimlessly to begin with. But no writing challenge is impossible for me and it's a story in my hands, not anyone else's, so I do have the power to get it where it needs to be.

In any case, I have a screenplay to dissect for a friend before I do anymore work, either on my notes or my crochet Ezio project for the nephew Dameon, so off I go! It's just been a while since I updated and there will be more to talk about after my hustles are through. Good luck and send some my way as well!

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