Saturday, October 5, 2019

The Struggle, No, The Juggle

I look forward to NaNoWriMo coming up, if only because it seems I need motivation to write or even draw at this point.

Not just because of some struggle, but like the header says, it's the juggle.

If you've followed then you've seen my doll posts have been the most frequent. I've... accumulated quite a bit more than the 'doll' I set out to do. Since starting Project Rienna, I decided to get Talia, a medium sized doll, a tiny... or two or three and there will be a third addition to the big dolls who will be my Lyria from the first series as well.

Dolls seem to be my catharsis from the stress of juggling-- work, my nephews' school year, cat caring insanity, etc. I juggle a lot that has little to do with my hobbies and creative work but nevertheless affects them.

Today, I read another of Antonio's wonderful screenplays, but for the most part, I plan on simply relaxing. Started to sew Rienna's bathing suit, but decided after reading the screenplay, I'd hunker down and watch movies. Welcome to Marwen and Glass are on the roster when I finish this up.

Juggling life, well, IS the struggle and I do still adjust to medications and recently had a root canal that means I'm at a chewing level below a toddler at the moment, but that will get better. Things often have to get worse before they get better. The struggle is about adjusting and learning to not take for granted the good things to come.

So, with all said and done, time to wander off and dream another dream. At the very least, the screenplay inspired me with an idea from the second book of the series that will carry a subplot for the one I currently, or will be, writing. 

UnHeard is a struggling story. Not for lack of ideas or muses or even some creative block, but because I've given the lead character more of my painful and hard to decipher mysteries and fears from my own life. It's hard but necessary to separate my experiences from hers because she can't handle it the way I would and succeed as the person she is, anymore than she could make sense of my life were she the writer of my tale. I don't mean to sound cryptic here, but she is only relative to my experiences and it's not meant to be a memoir or an outlet, just being lent the perspective of my knowledge. I'm not using her to understand or even accept myself. I'm using my own experiences to make a more poignant and insightful story. It's just not one that can pass without taking something out of me.

Anywho, movies. I love to blog for anyone who would read it, but relaxation is still the name of the game after a stressful work week. I should only be working two days this coming week; and hopefully, because I'd like the energy for creative projects, not just some down time.

Be sweet, my babies!

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