Friday, April 17, 2020

Funko Pop Fun

So! Gots my Funko Pop blank today and started by getting the clay on.

This time, I used a grey primer, which is annoyingly sticky so I'm attempting to let it dry overnight before painting it. Hoping that makes it less sticky but who knows? Not me. I try something different every time.

Pretty simple colors are going on here: mostly gold, some green, some peach, but she's a green eyed blonde so the spectrum is pretty narrow. More pics to come.

It was a blah rainy day where I felt restless and unfocused, so I really didn't have much drive. Tomorrow is supposed to be a sunny day so I'm hoping it motivates me to do more.

Ah, I did do the box templates for the Funkos too. So that's something...

Might start doing a bodysuit pattern tomorrow. We'll see where I'm at once Ive woken up and get going. This time of night, I'm tired but thinking ahead and the list grows, sometimes impossibly given the time I'm productive in a day.

I'd love for some of my elastic to come to string Endramena together. Her companion, Maxim, may not be coming for a while. He's been in a processing facility in Singapore for a couple of weeks with no sign of shipping yet. Makes me nervous until my babies finally get here...

Off to get some sleep and hopefully feel charged up to get things done tomorrow!

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