Thursday, June 11, 2020

Just Being Lazy

There’s quite a bit going on in the world right now and, while, I try to keep up with it, I’m mainly just confused by how easily people are being sucked into heated narratives. Words are quite frankly being picked apart before people can even elaborate their meaning. Tribal warfare, I call it. Historically, it’s about color, gender, religion, pick your poison, but I think people forget that white people aren't exactly this united front. In the advent of America, especially, there was always strife against the Irish and Italians and so on and so forth... quite frankly, I’m kind of exhausted about much people warn about history then cherry-pick to mark themselves as victim or victor. There needs to be a lot more of focusing on the present, but there’s a circle-jerk going on when it comes to oppressions of the past. Who’s more oppressed? Better get out your privilege cards and... then what? Guilt, arrogance, tiptoeing on egg shells, anger, depression... I don’t know, but I fail to see reform anywhere in the picture.

I’m in the loop of it as much as my sanity can handle, but I’ve been embracing some escapism. Although it’s totally shit on my creativity, I’m playing games and poking at my tablets, watching TV and YouTube, trying not to worry about things escalating for the worse. Yes, we need change, but daaaamn, I’m exhausted. I just wanna spit that old 80s mantra ‘can’t we all just get along?’. 

Reform is necessary. Cops need more screening and training. Women need bodily autonomy (and men too need a say on whether or not they will support a child a woman decides to have)—yes, these problems exist. What’s hard is to focus on that while remembering that assholes will try to divert the real issues with extreme social requirements.

It happens. But I hope you’re all staying centered and focused and enjoying your lives too. Remember to follow up questions and curiosity with in depth research, not just ego stroking shit that confirms your bias.

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