Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Share Time!

On my pursuit towards constant self-improvement, I did a painting that didn't end up working with the cover I intended it for, so alas, it is SHARE TIME! We can't just let these things collect dust!

So here's my latest painting...
Want to buy a print? Check it out on DeviantArt
I did actually finish the 5th cover today, but I'm giving it a couple weeks before lining it up for release. I did mention that I want to pick up the speed on releasing the first series. Holding onto the finished books feels like so much backed-up work so I think it will be cleansing to get those out as soon as possible.

There are some tentative plans involved here. I want to keep improving my painting skills. Someday, I might slow down on the passion projects and decide to take on commissions. The ambitious cover projects are certainly helping. I hope that my personal style is still shining through on these. I love my comic book style, but I feel like there's a whole other level I could bring to it by bringing a different discipline along. Can I do more realistic versions of my characters? Well, clearly I can. Do I want to? Right now, it doesn't hurt. I certainly intend to do a simpler style for my web comic idea. So why not enjoy a bit of challenge? There's nothing like studying anatomy just to beautifully annihilate it with exaggerated proportion! I talk all the time about how important it is to be uncomfortable as a writer and the same is true as an artist. 

Feel free to hit me up on professional questions any time. I know some of my readers might be shier than me about getting feedback, but I do offer critiques on work, be it art or short writing pieces. It would be hard to tempt me to collaborate or commission short of a juicy price tag. Passion and exposure projects, I'm booked up. My channels are public and open so you can always ask. If you do see any of my work that you might want altered, (color or some other detail), I can arrange that. It doesn't take much to alter an existing painting. I only ask that you do a little research on pricing before you make an offer.

And this concludes share time!

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