Friday, June 22, 2018

Cover Reveal + Wow, That's a Lot of Layers...

We're coming up on the eighth book here and this one was pretty involving, hence the title heading. I showed a screenshot of this one some time ago, showing off the sheer number of background layers and each character got its own lengthy folder of layers as well. Each Endless Universe: Dual Decisions is coming up on June 29th so here's a taste of the art.

Without further ado...

For this one, I'm just going to give you the mannequins...
And a full spatial shot... But then I'm going to tour you through the detailed close-ups.

Damn, I loved doing this one. The intricacy here is in the line work since the color was very uniform. Korus is one of those characters that I threw in on a lark and ended up becoming a really interesting part of the story. He's an enigmatic character, both cold and caring, but very subtle. He's not in-your-face bad-ass, but I'll leave it at that. 
Sigh. Kerys, Kerys, Kerys... She's one of those characters I didn't intend to like either. She's a psychopath, through and through, whiny and entitled and the sort to go looking for trouble. However, because of that, she breaks social rules that make her interactions more interesting.
Okay, Harlok is one I intended to like, but also want to pile drive into a steel chair. The Kitfolk are all a bit hard to place, and Harlok and his brother Merik are flighty but undeniably clever and calculating. I don't think there's any character that I didn't like writing about (although there are some that certainly irritated me), but Harlok was one that I made it a point to utilize.
A closer look at Kerys and Harlok. You'll notice there's some care for detail on Kerys's necklace and corset. She's got some of the most luscious full lips I've ever done, but I imagine that watching her talk is probably her only saving grace when you have to tolerate what she says.
Couldn't leave Korus on his own, so Kerys gets to photobomb.
Eh, why not throw in the three of them. They make for an interesting trio. Even in a fantasy setting, they don't look like they have a damn thing in common other than being unreasonably gorgeous with white hair.
Time to appreciate some close-ups...
(There you go, Joe; extra big codpieces, just for you...)
I love these extra long pointed shoes...
Apparently, I like shoes... Sorry, Kerys; as much as I love sneakers, apparently it wasn't enough...
Moving to head shots... Even though I realize Harlok got left out of the top half shots when I fixated on shoes...
Damn, but I love her lips... *smooooooch*
I went subtle on Korus's side profile though. Part of his persona is discretion, concepts kind of lost on Harlok and Kerys.
And there we go. Do you enjoy the different approaches I throw in for each one? For the next one, I'm going in for the real close-up. It's a single shot of one intimidating character. Can't wait to start snapping while I work on that one. I really want to get down and dirty with the details...

This time, I'll link my website which can direct you to my many hubs. Official Krista Gossett Author Website Again, if you want to get a nice juicy wall print or even a postcard, let me know and I'll set it up for you on DeviantArt. It takes a lot of time to set up my current outlets so I'll leave that off unless someone expresses the desire for it. If you'd prefer I set it up on some other outlet, by all means, suggest it. I don't mind doing the extra work to make it more convenient for you. 

Thanks for hitching along with me!

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