Sunday, March 1, 2020


Okay. Not my best blog header but I've been busy! I've finished four crochet projects: two baby Yoda's, a Sans from Undertale and an Xbox controller. I did write out the pattern for the Xbox controller that I'll eventually type out and share. I also eventually want to take pictures and share those but... Also not today.

Yesterday was exhausting but fun as I went to the 19th Annual Queen City Classic Chess Tournament to cheer on my nephews. Dameon won one round and a stalemate, while Marcus won one round, each out of five rounds played. Although Marcus wasn't properly registered somehow so he couldn't play the first round. Kinda hoping they throw his team a point for screwing them over that way at least.

In any case, my fire dancer doll has a finished body suit and I'm working on some detailing here and there. Might take a while to get all the pieces I ordered to finish her completely, but I'm patient.

I've ordered a 1\3 Hyperon 72cm male doll to be coming in the next few weeks. Yes, it's a recast and, as an artist, I'll fight anyone who says recasts are piracy. I only order recasts that are no longer being made by the original company and aren't made by individual sculptors to boot. I'm not a fan of buying secondhand or supporting the ridiculously high prices elitists want to pay for them. Recasts don't devalue your dolls either, another insanely stupid argument. There will always be elitists who will keep the weird niches alive. It's just as stupid for me to get bent out of shape because people download my ebooks illegally. People like that were never going to pay for books anyway. I won't waste my breath worrying about how much I could have made if the world were always fair. It's not. And I still have integrity for what I will buy as a doll collector. Either way, I'm not all about making rich corporations richer.

Heh, you already know if you know me that moral arguments make me roll my eyes. I may be kind, loyal, and generous but I'm morally grey and it's really stupidly pointless to virtue signal with me. Honestly, virtue signallers make me highly suspicious that they're actually pretty black on the spectrum.

Anyways, pics to come, whenever. Once I'm rested I'll be thinking about what comes next!

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