Thursday, July 2, 2020

The Pandemic IS Escalating...

It’s pretty nuts out there, right? But I happen to live in the zip code with the highest amount of daily cases for COVID and it’s easy to see why. People are still throwing parties. People are still belligerent to wearing masks. People are still gathering too thick in the establishments that are non-essential but still foolishly open.

But you’re still hearing people call other people sheeple. Still seeing people arguing over the freedom or efficacy of masks. Still seeing videos of people at each other’s throats.

While I refuse to believe the world, or America in particular, is completely fucked, it’s just so hard to keep hope going in the face of such rampant apathy. Sure, don’t wear masks, but stay away from people and don’t go out then. I could drag a million cited arguments and facts across the coals here, but the people who don’t want to listen simply won’t. I also haven’t heard any sound arguments for why people won’t observe the pandemic measures securely that don’t sound like a pouty toddler. 

I guess it’s no great surprise that a country that’s been sliding downhill for decades treats every fact and mark of empathy like the prophecies of Cassandra. Nothing is real to people, everyone is sheltered and sure, nothing is worth fighting for until you’re the one up to your neck in shit. Sometimes it’s a superstitious kind of danger, that some god or another is only exercising some will of who lives and dies. Sometimes it’s pure apathy, just not caring as long as it doesn’t affect you.

Yet two of my friends, at least, have posted about it, many others probably too sick or scared to speak up about having it. One friend’s mother is infected and struggling to pull through, another was exposed to a neighbor who has it and is frightened and self-quarantining, awaiting test results. 

There is nothing less free about a country unwilling to take care of each other, in such nominal ways at that. We’re not talking about gun control or amendments or freedom. We’re talking about observing social distancing and wearing a mask when you’re out of your house. We’re talking about getting through a pandemic with as few casualties as possible.

Yet the cases continue to spike as people gather and disregard. People who are carefully observing this are the most restless of all. It will be a long time before we can enjoy a normal life. As long as people continue to stand on claims of freedom and spread a possibly fatal disease and do as they please, they keep the rest of us trapped as the risks only become more terrifying.

I would say I’m not here to tell people how to live their lives, but right now, that is indeed what I’m doing. I can’t be neutral and say do what you want. The problem is too big to be complacent. I don’t want to lose people I love because assholes are walking around spreading this, clogging hospitals for much needed treatment, and can’t figure out how to entertain themselves at home.

I’m truly hoping most of us can pull through this, that solutions and treatments and cures can be found. However, 2020 just isn’t looking good, guys. Hear about the reappearance of the swine flu too? And what about when flu season rolls back around? This is still just the beginning. I sincerely hope we’re not all about to be pulled down by the idiots. Stay safe and keep your spirits up, as much as you can!

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