Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Genetic Hunting

I’ve learned more of the valuable information you can glean from taking the risk to get your DNA tested...

As far as diet goes, low carb, high fat and high protein are my best options on the macros. Exercise actually doesn’t do much to help weight loss but it’s still good for toning muscle, in my case as well. I  do absorb calcium, K, D and B vitamins exceptionally well, so it looks like Omega 3 is the one I need to be sure I’m supplementing.

I’ve used quite a few databases, some paid and some free to glean more information. Vitagene, Sequencing and MyTrueAncestry were some help, but if you’ve already done 23andme or another main test, they really don’t offer a whole lot more information. It really depends on which information you specifically want to delve into. In my case, I was really the most curious about supplementing and health.

And no, I didn’t buy into the supplement packs these sites were also trying to sell. I already take a great multivitamin and separate specific supplements, so the only new things they offered were unproven additions that *might* have benefits... but could be a load of crap. 

Since I’m cutting down on gluten for the time being, that also means I had to look into probiotics and fiber to provide some digestive solutions. Grains aren’t actually proven to be good for anyone, a sort of filler that usually makes our bodies work harder than they have to. Again, this doesn’t mean everyone applies here, but a substantial chunk of the population does develop gluten and dairy intolerances in adulthood and can be a cause for sudden weight gain or loss. It’s always worth trying if you, like me, have tried damn near every diet.

I’m very interested in going with a Keto based approach, but I’m very wary of restrictive diets which can cause frustration and wicked cravings that can sabotage my intentions. It’s important this time around that I’m simply more cautious rather than gung-ho, cutting everything too quick. Consumption of more water is definitely a universal solution for all humans. Especially when you are doing so to replace consumption of sugary drinks. I’ve stopped putting sugar in my coffee but I still do cream. Again, high fat is actually beneficial for me (but this means unsaturated, of course, not saturated or trans fats).

So I have a lot to consider while making some changes. I’m not looking to lose too much weight to start. 30 lbs is my minimum goal, but ideally, losing 50 would put me in a safer range. I do have a lot of bone mass, so it’s realistic to assume my weight shouldn’t sit in the low range of the ideal weight ranges. At my healthiest, before I gained weight, I was 135 lbs. However, I’m not aiming lower than 150 this time around. I plateaued at 167 last time I made vigorous effort, which is 33 lbs lower than my current weight, so 30 is a good number to shoot for. Using, this would put me soundly at low risk for weight related health issues.

And yes, I don’t mind sharing my results because I think it’s weird not to be more forthcoming. I also didn’t test as high risk for any diseases, nor carrier status, so if my information were to somehow leak to insurance companies, they’d have nothing to penalize me for. I also don’t see any sci-fi level freaky shit being done with my DNA. No one wants a clone army of me. Although I’m pretty awesome so you should want that. A bunch of practical, creative, intelligent, attractive clones? Oh no! I guess I lose humility points there, but self-love is not a bad thing for me. I spent a good deal of my life miserable over low self-esteem so it’s good to shed it whenever possible.

Well, this is all I have for you for now. I still haven’t been working on projects much, just gaming with my nephews, but it’s a good way to make time pass. I really have always enjoyed their company.

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