Friday, February 16, 2018

Burning Books and More Burning Books

Burning books (wait, don't leave, I'm not going to keep saying it!)-- ahem, well, it doesn't have the same effect that it used to. Most of us that know how to spell "Wikipedia" AKA the resource you are never allowed to use in college, are aware of the historical implications. It was a vicious way that rather large hate groups would go about censoring speech. Written history has been lost in countless wars and raids, so at one time, it was simply a horrifying loss of knowledge, even an abuse of precious resources. There was a time in history where even paper was a luxury-- at least until as early as 6th century AD in China and reaching mass production in the 14th century. Some Gay Yeti was credited in the 18th century as the designer of the modern roll, but until the 1930s, splinter-free was not a guarantee. Ouch. Some of that may or may not be accurate, so ffs, never take any source as gospel. Start here!

I understand that some people adore books. I adore my own paper book collection, but I simply don't feel that way for all books. If you want to burn your own copies or use them as toilet paper, feel free. You spent your own money and digital is a thing now-- no book is in danger of being lost to history anymore. Maybe don't burn your Kindle over a crappy book and definitely don't use it as toilet paper. Deletion is not as satisfying as a more physical expression of personal distaste, I know, but I'm positive that most of us don't want a bad book to cost upwards of $50 to replace some hardware.

Speaking of book burning, morality signaling ties in very closely to the sentiment people get for objects. I'm not unaware that the world is a crazy, scary place. Violence is skyrocketing in America and entitlement is getting ridiculous. Still, the call for violent entertainment to be eradicated has lost traction over the years, instead replaced by... sex and swearing. 


In this climate, I can't believe how often full-grown adults are hung up on those two things. Not just some sex, but all sex. Fade to black is even too racy for some of the complainers. 

"Expressions of love shouldn't be invasive." 
"They're masturbation fantasies..."
"I'm afraid I'll enjoy something that makes me uncomfortable" <--- conservative politicians

 I'm waiting for any of these excuses to not be lame, but the fact is, they are. It's not a crime to have a dirty mind. It's not even a crime to guiltily entertain a fantasy about screwing a turtle. Brains do some really odd connectivity exercises that don't translate into anything at all. Or they become entertainment. Whether or not we 'enjoy' it isn't the primary factor. Sometimes it's just interesting or evocative.

And if it's not outright fucking, it's fucking WORDS. I can agree with critics that find fault with misuse. If no one gets what you're trying to say, it's a problem. Completely negates the purpose of language when nothing is being communicated. However, when usage at all is the problem, I find issue with that. If certain words turn you off, I'm not going to demand that you get over it. Have your opinion. However, disparaging remarks on the intelligence or vocabulary of the user? Well, if you've been reading, you can see that I have no problem coming up with 'big words'. Mine are some of the bigliest. I also have no problem hitting you with puns, metaphors, analogies, idioms and clever comebacks. 

I love words. Most of them. Personally, I avoid the n-word and it's got shit to do with being white. I have never ever heard it used in any way that doesn't make it sound horrible. I'm not talking about 'nigga' but I'm not throwing that one around either. Why? Because I've never had a purpose for it. You could hear me attempt to say it, but I don't have a 'blaccent' and I sound dumb as fuck. I will never write a story that goes there. Does that mean I found issue with Mark Twain? Hell, no. I find no fault with his usage of it, but that's not where my interest in writing goes. I also don't use 'Jesus Christ' but then I write 'original' fantasy and Christianity isn't a thing there. However, I might drop a "Gods damn you!"

To my way of thinking (and therefore it is an opinion), censoring thought, literature, anything that you are NOT forced to look at-- it's akin to the ANCIENT loss of burning books. Knock it off with the 'I don't like it, so it shouldn't exist.' Believe it or not, I understand discretion. I drop f-bombs with my friends, but I check the usage around other people's kids and grandparents (even though my own grandparents are cool as fuuuuuuck and don't mind if one or two slips out when I'm venting). You see, even the socially impaired are still capable of showing some consideration. I also don't advertise my personal sexual stances to any but a RARE few-- I'm actually quite conservative there. Even though I would love for my books to be read, I'm not terribly concerned with being appropriate. At any time, you can be suitably disgusted and thrust my book at the first foul creature you smack into. However, suppressing my message DOES have dire consequences. 

When someone sets about trying to eliminate everything they find personally distasteful, what does it do? Turns everyone into criminals. Outlawing prostitution could very well incite rape. People who can't turn to one outlet will find another and often it's a lot less healthy. Despite the fact that guns are getting out of hand, I wouldn't entertain banning them. Control is something we need to work with, just like healthcare. Reform is frustrating, but I am a firm believer that moderation is key in everything. And in literature, sorry, anything goes. I don't disagree that it could benefit from a ratings system to keep children and parents informed, but it's also an extremely passive form of entertainment. You don't accidentally pick up a book, if at all.

If I have to find anything virtuous about my adult stories, it's that it is an honest outlet. I would love to write children's and YA adult books in the future, but they care about very different things than I do at my stage in life. Still, I strive to not only write for myself. I want to write for everyone along the way, just not at the same time and when my story is right for it. I don't intend to pander and I don't intend to cater to anyone but my muse. I will be more than happy to accept that it isn't for you, but it's for someone else.

Lemme close this up with a point of discussion that made my heart sing. Now this is a long article, but one worth the trip... Article that is well worth it

 My favorite part: where the Big Five publisher makes it clear that they do NOT pull their authors for controversial work or outcries. Encourages readers to voice their negative opinions, equally encourages authors to IGNORE them.

The rest: If you didn't click on it, let me sum it up. Some people REALLY value their opinion. The sort of narcissism where they believe that they are so righteous that it is worth trying to destroy a girl's career. This author decided to make an attempt at using fantasy to explain how a racist character (of fantasy races, mind you) reforms her thinking. An honest attempt at tackling more literature on diversity. Well, it's not that she did it, but that she did it WRONG. Only she didn't. She offered a perspective to which other women and/or non-colorless people took issue with. As a colorless girl, she was told she didn't have the range to be sensitive... Look, I could go on, but I won't. Honestly, I hope this chick does sell her book, learn from this, and go on to sell many more. I hope she doesn't lose the courage to keep tackling sensitive subjects. I hope this world stops penalizing people for making an honest attempt at understanding. You don't have to be openly vicious to be attacked anymore. You just have to offend someone looking for a hill to die on. These same people will wave off real hate as ignorance but go after someone who makes an honest effort by waiting until their back is turned and their livelihood is involved.

Pun so intended, (at least click on the link for the headline if this one is going over anyone's head) but it's a witch hunt. You can make a disabled character that is a gay POC and the first troll will pop in with 'why can't a straight white person be disabled?' Are we really trying to live in a world where the rules are changing so much and on every whim so everyone can be equally offended? Let's cut the shit. We need community. The non-exclusive kind where we actually tolerate things. You know, like how I don't shoot my neighbor even though it pisses me off that his car stereo is too loud. When discomfort is met with over-9000 reactions, we've moved well past reason and discussion. I consider myself fairly liberal, but no, I will not be lectured at about everything that needs to die because it offends you. That used to be an alt-right sentiment, but the alt-left is twinning on that. I'm still of the era where liberal meant tolerance and change. I can't relate to the intolerance and CONSTANT irrational change. Quite frankly, if I don't know you, I don't owe you gratification for however you identify. Be reasonable.

I went on well beyond where I intended to go. Armed with coffee and fighting sleep? Yes'm'sir! Let me throw in a quick update since I've been busy the past few days.
  • Finished formatting my first series' books for ebook and print (7 books, each between 300-400 pages)
  • Working on a cover for the third book, about halfway done. I will continue doing covers, but inside illustrations are postponed. I may bring this back later, but it is incredibly time-consuming so it's at the bottom of my list.
  • Still working on finishing Part I of III for UnSung. This one is creeping a bit while I try to get my third book out.
  • Will be juggling cover art with writing UnSung until I finish the art or the book.
  • Once those two main projects are done, this may be where I start my webcomic idea. I'm going to post a poll to my FaceBook page concerning my two ideas. Please vote, whether you plan on following it or not.
And that's all I got. Okay, I'm lying, but blog ≠ book and this has gone on long enough.

Keep writing! Or reading! Whatever floats your boat.

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