Monday, May 27, 2019

Business and Pleasure

While deciding what I want to do about business cards, I remembered the time I ordered sticker sheets to print out my logo for the crochet pieces I sold--under a name I still sometimes use: KitaCraft. So before I go ordering any fancy cards from a printer, I thought I'd give home printing a try for this and order some perforated sheets that work with a template. I know that business cards tend to get gobbled up at conventions so I'm crossing my fingers that it works out.

I've been working on little extras. Bought nice paper to punch borders into to glue to the edges, little bags the size of the business card to put miniatures into: little books, swords, fantasy themed goodies. I'm extra so I like to upgrade a basic idea. It appeals to my craft side. The business cards will say author, illustrator, crafter so I'd like to show as much of that as possible.

The writing part is slightly neglected at the moment, but I've been playing with the new tablets here and there. Using them never gets less enjoyable. They really make digital drawing less of a chore. They come with their own challenges but nothing I wasn't prepared for. Pressure sensitivity and calibration can be a bit less intuitive than traditional but digital brushes can do a lot that traditional can't as well.

Really, I'm spoiled by summer sleeping. I'm tempted to set an alarm in the morning because it's been making me too lazy and my hours less productive as a result. Being without a schedule was great in my teens and twenties. It's just frustrating in my 30s. I actually have come to craving discipline. It's a holiday weekend though, so it makes the most sense to start tomorrow. I have windows to seal, rooms to clean, laundry to do, plans to start fulfilling. Getting the nitty gritty squared away by noon is ideal...

As usual, I'll post my impressions of the home printing experiment, as well as my finished digital drawing projects as they happen. I'm also still working on rounding up pictures for a website. I feel like I'm slacking off but, truly, my so-called organized folders are badly labeled and not as complete as I thought. Really have to do a digital clean-up, get everything making sense again!

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