Wednesday, May 29, 2019


Admit it; you can't see that in caps and not mentally hear Shang Tsung growling that... Unless you're too young, too lame, or too oblivious.

Double-posting to say things happened. I both wrapped up my business card design and managed to stop poking at the pink princess. She's not exactly *done*; didn't do any deep shadowing or highlighting or pull in atmospheric light onto her from the background, but I got it to where I was satisfied enough to move on. She's warmed up quite a few stubborn tasks in the past two weeks, but I feel like she's done her job. 

Oh, here...
I promised to share, after all!

I might come back to her in the future, but I feel like an 'imperfect picture' is one that assures there is always something I could do. I could see more sparkle, more jewels and jewelry, more texture if I come back too. Part of what I love about plainer pictures is their ability to stoke my imagination. To see what else could come of it.

But I'm also jumping on inspiration trains. I'd love to depart from the sci-fi warrior and this trembling princess to a leather and fur clad battlemage. Who knows? Maybe I'll gender-swap those three and do the 'masculine'. Keeping in mind that masculine and feminine have never had exact boundaries for me, but it sounds better than 'the penis-having version'.

Don't be obsessed with finishing everything, thinking it's not worthwhile if it can't impress everyone. Doing your best doesn't mean tucking away anything short of perfect. It can be miserable, hiding away everything for fear of how others respond. I want people to have a taste of my inner world, even if I can't give them the full picture. I'd love to, but the effort to realize it all myself would leave precious little shared, precious little room to ever live the sort of life to keep inspiring those efforts.

Share, share, and don't be a growly shit. Finish it as far as you mean it to go and keep on your crazy path.

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