Friday, December 20, 2019

Break Time

Oh, the possibilities for the next two weeks, without work, are endless.

Tips were super so first thing I did? Order an airbrush set! If you've followed my blog, you know I've been wanting one to do the matte clear layers on doll faces. Mostly. I totally intend to let my curiosity wild. But it won't be within the next couple weeks unfortunately since it'll take a month to get here. I shelled out for a good compressor though, not just the little ones you can get cheap. I've seen the Vallejo brand of matte varnish recommended so I shelled out for a little bottle of that too.

I'm also likely to work on the eye motifs for a small decorative blanket I crocheting... Pics to come once finished, of course.

I do have some wrapping to do still but that's mostly done. I do look forward to some family time for the holidays.

Dolls, writing, drawing-- so many possibilities. Why plan it all neatly when impulse is so much more satisfying? I did get my mischievous Minifee and Dreamland Karen, both white as the driven snow, as opposed to the usual natural peach tone my other dolls have. Yes, I love the darker skin tones but they're pretty pricey. Light and medium resins and plastics are easier to mix while a doll maker can hit inconsistencies in dark mixes if they don't know what they're doing. I consider myself a novice so there are certain prices I'm just not comfortable with paying... So I do without certain options for now. I bet I could learn to blush doll skin with the airbrush to get darker tones to look natural. Eventually. But with all on my plate, it's not a short term goal.

Onto a bout of sleep. Oh yeah, you didn't think I'd do without that luxury, did you?

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