Sunday, December 29, 2019

On the Ball

It's kinda fun studying maps and images to try to put myself in a place I've never been. Once I plotted that out, it was then a blast just to explore it as a work of fiction to wander through. Conversations, plots, and making those images come to life. I like this internet adventure I've stumbled into!

So I wrote a few thousand words, divided up into the one I've been researching (France, in Through the Golden Doors), my short story collection based on the pasts of characters from my two series, and a little towards UnHeard and its rocky new paths I've attempted to lay out.

Epic fantasy can be a real bitch though, dealing with a roster of fully-realized characters in places you make up. Gotta keep all that straight so you can pants it all you want; at some point, you gotta pull up your pants and do some plotting! Of course, writing wouldn't be as much fun if you had to plot everything and just get it down. There's still flexibility in conversations and movement and character, so there's something to be admired in the many ways writers get their ideas accomplished.

I'd love to work on my doll projects, but it's kind of a crappy cloudy day and I tend to do better with writing and such on those meh days. Good lighting is important for painting on faces or adjusting fabric, so I'll definitely save that for a good day.

Maybe once I publish Through the Golden Doors, I'll take you to some of the real life places I visited in research, do some blogs on those places that inspired the dream worlds beyond them. I'm usually stuck on what I'm up to (and it's not exciting) but eventually, I would like to share more.

There's simply grudge and drudgery phases and those bright and shiny share phases where stuff gets finished.

I'll get there, but there's no point in rushing it. I'm already insanely ahead of where I could be. 11 rather sizeable books published in a couple years... Maybe it's a good thing I slowed down. I think some stories need time to ripen a bit too!

Might take a break from blogging until I have something to share though. But thanks to anyone that bears through my maybes and bare bones updates.

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