Saturday, December 14, 2019

Christmas Sprint

so, this morning was a quick stop at Dollar Tree and Walmart. Wrapping supplies I missed on the first trip, way more gift tags than I can use in a decade (they stuck together), a retirement gift for Margie (one of the waitresses I work with at Sports Page) and some Christmas shirts to wear to work and hopefully encourage customers to throw some some nice tips our way in the spirit of giving. Much needed after the slow business and small tips of the past week.

But hey, I do enjoy the customers and work so I don't grumble about bad tips to them or treat anyone differently for being cheap. It happens and often we do get generous tippers to balance it out. Most days anyway... Still not worth griping about. It's rare I find a job I actually like showing up to.

So with all that out of the way, it'll be some Christmas cleaning. We always do the big wrapping event on Christmas Eve, so there's that. Why wait for Spring to make the nest a comfy clean place? Same reason why New Year's Resolutions aren't something I peg change on. Sooner is always better than later. Circumstances are something we have to adjust to in life. Plans are great, but things come in the way and we can't let ourselves be defeated before we've given it the best chance to begin... again and again, if needed.

I always have plans to write or draw or craft, but what is done is a thing that often has to be in the moment and organic. Forcing things can work, but more often than not, there is a time I have to respect its pull. It can be graceful or a whip crack. It is what it is.

Back to the grinds, whatever they may be!

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