Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Christmas Eve Productivity

So I started the day with about 1200 words towards UnHeard. As I've said before, it's not really writer's block that is a problem. In this case, I'd been coming up with the ideas, but it's my rather sluggish laptop that frustrates me into not really wanting to work on it. I'll eventually get a nice writing laptop and leave this one to just drawing again. I did an intro scene between two of the main character's brothers, which I may or may not like later. Better to just get it down and let the editing decide later.

I've delved into that, but I'm hopping over to my Dreampunk YA story instead. I've been wanting to edit it, again, after becoming more familiar with it through my thought processes. It's my friend Antonio that got me thinking about the parallels between real world places and the other worlds the girls visit, so I'm more than happy to go back into it with the new ideas.

I don't know what order I care to finish them (what will be published next), but let's stick to enjoying the journey. I'm back, at least, for the time being and I plan on NOT planning and just letting the drive commence how it will. After having my friend Kristian ask if I'm writing, and the answer being no, I simply decided I hated the truth in that answer. So I *am* writing. Simple as that.

I plan on meeting up with one of my sisters for the first time after Christmas. It's complicated, but I'd like to attempt to make it less so. I'd like to meet the other as well, but I think it will be best to meet them one-on-one, not make them feel like they have to compete for attention and all that. It's a roller coaster either way, so I hope the ride is as smooth and thrilling as possible.

Ready to celebrate Christmas with commercialism tomorrow, spending a day eating great food and enjoying some new things with my nephews. Games, of the video and board persuasion both, and relaxation and, yes, even more writing or creating. Could be crafting or drawing. Who knows? I like this avant-garde decision process.

So onto the editing and continuation of Dreampunk for now. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all! Have a great rest of the year and a better year to come!

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