Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Merry Christmas!

So it's been a good day, filled with board games and video games. At the moment, I'm researching Alsace, France for a book I'm working on. While actually traveling to these places would be the absolute best way to write about them, I'm going to attempt to simply write them through the eye of the internet. Maybe someday, I'll end up getting to write the screenplay and get sent on a wonderful tour to chase the facts in person. Sometimes, you write first and research later, so perhaps the first edition might need some corrections in the future anyway. It'll be a work of fiction ultimately, so if I can suspend disbelief, it's well enough.

I won't take up too much time here, since I've promised my nephews I'd be available when they want to play some of their new toys or games with me (also why I've stuck to research--much easier to break away from a research dalliance than a juicy scene). However, I'd like to take the time to wish you all Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year. If all goes well, I'll simply be too engaged in writing and other projects to really notice being absent elsewhere.

So enjoy your holidays and make the best of every day!

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