Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Cover Reveal + Milestone Achieved!

The ninth and final book cover, finally done for Each Endless Universe: Original Sin coming on July 11th, features the lovely, deadly Baelle.

I didn't screen shot many of these since I did her fairly quickly and didn't stop much to remember to take them. Nevertheless, here they are!
Start with the mannequin...
Add a little shading...
Some funky guidelines...
Clothes and the beginning of shading...
Some blending...
POOF! Magic!
It's a girl! And also a bear... Was a bear, anyway. Now it's a cloak.

Phew, I really enjoyed the whole process, but alas, it is time to crown it and move on to the next great project. I hope you enjoyed taking the journey with me! I certainly enjoyed all of this 'leaving my comfort zone.'

So here is where I continue cracking down on UnSung, although this summer, I also plan on working on some other neglected skills and playing around the web comic idea for Rock My World. I always like to take advantage of higher summer energy levels to diversify my talents a bit. Don't worry; anything blog worthy will get some features along the way as usual. This isn't just about me but what those experiences might contribute to helping other writers and artists take meaningful steps towards following their own dreams.

I do have UnSung's cover done, but I'm keeping that under wraps until about a week prior to when I set up the release as I did for these. As I've said before, UnSung is a whopper of a book, the first part topping the 80K word mark with the two other parts and the epilogue awaiting a draft. It's very likely to be three books in one for all I have planned for it. However, this is a very pivotal part of the story; where UnNamed scratched the veneer, UnSung plunges into the world headfirst. Since I can't really plan the size until the draft gives me more insight, the other two may be wholly different.

So, more to come, time willing; thanks again for all of the support and encouragement! I can only hope I'm giving as well as I get.

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