Sunday, February 2, 2020


I wanted to share some pics but that'll be for the next post...

I'm here because *somehow* I've been encumbered by yarn. And by somehow, I mean yarn sales. And my inability to avoid them over the past few months. So it looks like I'm going to be on a fitting spree, trying to downsize this spillage. I've packed my caddies full and *somehow* I don't have a place for all of it.

Okay, okay, the 'somehow' game doesn't work. I didn't plan when I succumbed to click and buy. You buy things online, next thing you know, it's in your house. And it's not air, so of course, it takes some amount of space.

Did I mention my life is already a Tetris game? Now, it's a yarn-filled super level... But no more yarn buys until I make room! Complete the projects I'm on and I should be all right.

Onto the bonus round!

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