Friday, September 22, 2017

But muh diversity...

It's been whispered about in fantasy groups about the fiascos concerning the Hugo and Nebula awards and it's taken me some time to catch up on the politics of the situation.  I haven't yet reached the point where I feel some desperate need to collect these coveted writing awards, but the way I'm seeing grown adults bicker about it, I'm also in no hurry.

That sinister diversity agenda...  And I say this sarcastically because I don't see it as sinister, nor do I see it as an opportunity to vilify white men who are constantly being blamed for why diversity isn't being awarded.  I have to admit, I'm far too out of the loop in popular entertainment to weigh in on whether or not there is a conspiracy for or against diversity.  I can tell you that under no circumstances would I be okay with accepting an award just to be some politically correct token female.  I'd like to belive that I've earned it.

I've had the pleasure of reading some of NK Jemisin's blog (I even used her feminization post as a discussion point of my own) but not her Fifth Season book.  In the process of making my own books, I tried to limit my exposure to other work to write my own work.  Everything I've seen from her indicates someone dedicated to the craft and someone who has put in her paces.  She is not a "diversity or feminist" agenda writer.  She does not purposely use those facets of herself to sell books.  All that I have seen of hers even shows that she has even on occasion written for the market.  She doesn't appear to be setting out to wipe out and redefine the genre.  She is a true fan of the genre, she just has her own voice.

I'm not sure where to even weigh in on this.  Sure, the internet is full of racist, sexist, chose your -ist bigots, but I think there is also a lot of bigotry coming out of the social justice set.  There are absolutely people who champion diversity to the point of ignoring quality because there need to be x amount of this oppressed group for it to be objective. In an age of self-publishing, no one is being silenced here and anyone has the opportunity to use their keyboards to attempt masterpieces.

I get it-- the problem is no one is doing it and when anyone attempts it, they are more likely to become a poster child than to have their work looked at objectively.  It absolutely sucks that the quality of entertainment is going down because half-assed directors are trying to cash in on lukewarm ideas.  However, try as you might, you can't fault Jemisin.

I've seen her passion and she's diplomatic and professional.  She defines herself and she's not quick to see the worst in people. She is a part of a society that does not ban her from having a platform, even if there are plenty of ankle-biters accusing of her of something sinister.  Meanwhile, you get these obvious groups trying to game an awards system and telling everyone how to vote.  I can't say for certain without interjecting a bias that I can't conclusively say exists, but they assume that sales or so-called fan feedback somehow shows she falls short of deserving a nomination let alone an award.

Maybe you haven't heard but Amazon is currently being plagued with fake books, people using click farms to cash in on the pages-read system, and false accounts made to plant reviews.  Insofar, the only thing they've been able to police is author-swaps where authors agree to read each other's work and write reviews.  Which I think is a terrible thing to forbid.  Not only can authors establish a rapport and trust with others who understand artistic integrity, but it assumes that all of them will only post favorable or false reviews in exchange for their beta reads.  So things like sales and exposure aren't reliable numbers to determine either quality or who deserves it more.  It's just more gaming the system.

Diversity is always a hot button issue but the truth is, we don't need more agendas.  We need more artists to write what ignites their passion.  We need to consider all things based on their own merits.  Don't read my books just because I'm a woman; read them because I told a damn good story.  

I don't need a hugbox or a safe space.  I've come to the point I am in life because of what I've overcome.  I am who I am because life isn't fair.  I'm never going to accept any societal norm that says someone is better than someone else or demean someone's struggle because 'there are more important things.' that's the way I have always been.  I don't care who you are-- if I can help you, I will, provided you don't feel entitled to it. I don't tolerate disrespect.  I am not going to come on the internet and champion everyone who is perceived to have some disadvantage.  Assuming others need you to speak for them is assuming they are too inferior to do so.  I will stand with someone while they defend themselves but they have a voice.  Also, tell me to shut up and you'll probably be next on my shit list.  Even if you're right, silencing me just lost my vote.

I truly don't know what to think of all the generalizations these days.  When I use a general statement, I like to try to reiterate that I'm painting with a broad strokes and it does not speak for anything but a specific majority that does fit it.  It's like clothes off the rack though.  Some of us don't have off the rack bodies and you're even less likely to find an off the rack mind.

By all means, encourage your friend that thinks their ideas aren't marketable to publish anyway.  Just don't belittle their work by reducing it to propaganda.  Propoganda is so much toilet paper and everyone deserves better.

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