Friday, February 1, 2019

Things to Come

This will be short and sweet.

While I plan on using a tutorial someone else already wrote to guide the task, tomorrow I start the Scrivener 3 to print format journey. I'm going to take notes, make note of the adjustments and preferences, and link the page I used with my notes. Following the success of making this PDF, I'll jump over to the ebook portion. I'll post two separate blogs for print and ebook. I still have to peruse KDP and D2D, see what their requirements are before choosing, but I'm fairly sure I'll do wide distribution of the ebook to Smashwords unless D2D makes that easier. I hear a lot of good things about D2D.

Regardless, distribution will still be aimed at all major markets. Amazon seems to like their Direct exclusivity, but I'm not sold on the royalties by page count factor, so I'll continue to leave it open to Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Google Books, iBooks, etc. I'd rather be more flexible to the readers than throw all of my eggs in one basket. 

Not quite sure where I'll go next, to be perfectly honest. I've been thinking of adjusting cover art, drafting the third book more, going on a drawing spree, and so on, but I'm going to reserve the decision for where my head is when I get there. Formatting often throws in a lot of hoops to jump through, but I'm never the sort to stick to what works. I always want to take advantage of the best options, even if that means starting from scratch for a new learning curve.

Crazy, I know, but sometimes you just want to push the vision. If you always think within the lines of what you know you're capable of, you're rarely stumbling on those precious instances that expand what's possible. The vision is never too precious to be tested.

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