Friday, February 1, 2019

Living a Life of Non-Excitement (So My Characters Don't Have To)

Third day of no school for the kids and I could no longer wait to clean when there was no audience to trip over. So I started by throwing laundry at the washer then waiting for my sister to get out of the shower so I could do the fish tank. Somehow, I got roped into playing Cuphead on my nephew's Xbox One X while waiting and realizing I'm quite used to having things thrown at me in different directions so, while I wasn't actually good at dodging things, I took it with the stoicism only parenting could instill. Glutton for punishment, check.

Back to the fish tank, blah blah blah, then I preceded to dump bleach powder on my head and poorly lighten my non-color hair to some other lighter non-color.

I blew out the top floor electricity by turning on the vacuum with too many things on and then proceeded to lie on my unmade bed (laundry still in progress) and only mentally tackle how I'm going to format this finished book I'm saddled with. Because I've never actually done it from Scrivener before and I'm determined to alienate Microsoft Word forever more.

And this is a busy day because most days are spent poking at computers and video games, work, research, on my ass.

So yeah, it's not my life wholly inspiring these books. Yet there are tools like patience, fortitude, adaptability and a whole shitload of psychological knowledge that get to play in here. Conversations come from curiosity, sarcasm, what I would and wouldn't do. Places come from, well, memories. Fantasy scapes I've seen, combining in odd ways in my head. On edge of sleep or just waking up, at the wrong and right times where they fit into my day.

So as I dive into the uninspirational process of formatting, I'll probably be daydreaming of the next draft, or putting on some music to add a little rhythm to the task. It's definitely not exciting, all the writier things, but anything I can do to fake it and make it happen? Worth it. The chances of me becoming wildly successful as a writer are slim, but the chances of housework needing done will at least be certain. 

Those certain things are where you draw those ideas, not necessarily of where you'd rather be, but damn sure where your characters can play.

Even in a not-so-great temp gig, those minutes mean money, that money means a little more pizzazz to that ComicCon booth. Another goal without guarantees, but I can't say I'll regret the effort. Weighing milestones by expectations is a great way to destroy their value, for good or bad.

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