Sunday, September 27, 2020

Days in a Haze

 I wasn’t exactly feeling terrific once my kitties came home to recover. While She-Ra became an absolute 24/7 cuddler the first few days, Seven remained a loner. Until today. She-Ra is still cuddling but is doing more wandering on her own while Seven actually laid on the end of my bed for a while. Not for too long, since her sister’s attentions make her hiss and growl. Both of them are recovering well though, their incisions looking great. I spent the past few days just taking cat naps and checking on the kitties, so I’m ready for a break in tedium myself.

So tomorrow is the fated appraisal day, which I think will go well. While the static appraisals I found online are about $28K apart, I used a different sort of calculator to get an estimate that actually sits a few thousand above our offer. I’m hoping that one is the most accurate since, as I’ve said, a high appraisal is far better than a low one. I’ve noticed that some of the lower appraisals didn’t factor in the additional bedrooms and bathroom added after 2009, so it seems more likely that the calculator I used is probably the more accurate of the many sources I’ve looked through.

Today, I’m hoping to actually get my ass up and help my nephew sort through his junk. I’m actually typing this in the late night/early morning hours, so I’m also hoping to get a nap in before I get going. Really, I just want to get rid of the anxiety of getting the appraisal out of the way. It’s really the last big step that could make or break this one (and quite frankly, we better damn well make it because I’m ready to get the hell out of here). So I’m likely either going to sleep more or stay busy so I’m not restless. And since my dad is one of those nervous types that never shuts up about how everything can go wrong, moving forward is sorely needed.

Yes, yes, I know. Internally, I’m always thinking worst case scenario myself. I just don’t torture everyone with a fatalistic assurance that everything WILL go wrong. My dad isn’t quite hip to the fact that he’s no prophet and his constant negativity and assurances of everything going wrong are not really all that accurate. I also recall quite a bit of him telling me that working shit jobs would get me somewhere one day and, lucky for me, I stop believing that and have since lived my life according to my own intuition and been much happier. ‘Success’ for my generation is simply managing to find happiness amidst a failing economy and an imbalanced workforce. Some of my generation have been lucky enough to ‘make it’ but more often than not, most of us have to expend a lot of energy adapting to some disappointing realities.

Going a little sideways here, but I’ll likely be chasing a racing brain today and tomorrow. I’m going to err on the side of optimism and keep laboring under the assumption that all will go well. Quite frankly, this year can use a lot of encouragement.

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