Saturday, September 5, 2020

More on House Hunting

 I was sulking the better part of the day when my sister told me that there were several more offers on the house in Milan, Indiana. I like to be hopeful, but I think I let myself get TOO hopeful and suddenly I was cynical that we would be outbid. I thought for sure this would be a long sleepless night where I would both be desperately hopeful and quickly depressed that it would go badly.

Well, we got the news that our offer was accepted!

Whoa, whoa, not so fast... it was a sudden rush but I reined it in again. The next step is appraisal. I’ve mentioned before that an appraisal determines the current value of the house and, again, the loan will only cover the appraisal cost. While I certainly think the house is worth every penny of our bid, if there is too big of a difference between these costs, we won’t be able to afford to make up that difference and would have to dissolve the sale still.

So, I’m standing on the center of a seesaw, trying to find the balance once more. The appraisal will be yet another nerve wracking, nail biting day, where I try to manage hopes and disappointment before the verdict is in and we see if this can be truly ours.

Before we began this journey, I wasn’t quite initiated into how much of a roller coaster this part was. I was mentally preparing myself for the idea of packing and moving, which I’ve always seen as the most daunting part. So this is certainly a crash course in the reality of how huge a life change this really is.

So I’ve taken a sleep aid to quiet my mind tonight because I’ll need sleep before I tackle the next steps with all of my strength. I want to believe that this is the one... but I must accept the fact that that’s not assured.

I see a lot of tears ahead for the next part, whether happy or disappointed. Not for long though; either I’m about to prepare for a big move or another bout of finding the right house.

Either way, I am still hopeful that I will settle into a new house in the future. And open myself to the new challenges of all that entails, foreseeable or not!

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