Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Some of That Good News!

 So... it’s pretty much final; we ARE getting the house! The appraisal came back higher than our offer so there will be no unforeseen costs to get in the way. The seller has to install railings leading out of the back of the house to be up to code, but it should all be ready to go by the closing date, October 5th. My dad, sister and I are getting on the same phone plan (none of our current services work out there) since we know for sure now.

I can’t tell you what a relief it is. I’ve been on edge and relentlessly researching the whole process, just hoping we wouldn’t end up losing that house. The last real obstacle was whether the loan would cover the cost. In case you missed when I explained it before, the appraisal has to come in at the offer price or above for a lender to cover it. You can still get the loan when it comes in lower, but you have to pay the difference upfront to the seller. This is on top of the down payment for the loan (2-3% of the sale price) and closing costs (vary by house value, but usually between 4-10K).

As much as I’d love to ramble on, I think some video gaming is in order! And tomorrow, definitely a packing day! I’m so motivated again!


  1. Thanks, Bobbi! We’re all excited too! The area is beautiful and I so look forward to some exploring!


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