Sunday, September 13, 2020

Happy Home!

 Just a quick update, but we’re not selling the old house. My nephew Thomas has always loved this house, so when my dad brought up keeping the house, my sister saw the opportunity to see if Dad wanted to rent it to him. My dad said as long as it covered the property tax, that’s all he needed, so... not only does my nephew (and possibly his mom, if she wants to move in too) have a new place, but he’ll have enough for utilities, rent and possibly even be able to save money!

I haven’t blogged much about this kid (26 years old though) but he’s always put others first, going so far as to take care of his chronically ill mother even before he was an adult. His mother Angie is a cool cat, but she’s been riddled with an illness that sometimes incapacitates her for days and that can make it hard to function, let alone have stable income. Somehow, he’s always held the fort, making sure rent was paid, but it’s left him with not much for himself; he’ll save for the occasional ComicCon or collectible.

To be able to do this for him, well, I have a terrific Dad, what can I say? I truly feel privileged to be my nephew’s confidant through his struggles and, really, I’d never deny him anything in my power to give. I can’t take credit for this, but I’ve been more than happy to talk to Dad about how we can help. I’m usually just an ear to bend; I say ‘just’ but truly it’s an honor to have a great relationship with my nephew.

Well, back to packing! I keep stopping for breaks since it’s a muggy day, but I’m way ahead of schedule. I’ll probably end up being done with my room by the end of the week, just from pure excitement.

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