Monday, August 27, 2018

Nope. Also, Nope.

I realize because of my last two topics, I probably seem like I need the number to a help hotline. I can assure you that, though inspired by dark moods, hormonal surges and the side effects of a diet my body is not happy about, those were simply topics I wanted to get serious about. I'm just someone who bounces between dark and humorous on a whim. Many times, they are even written on the same day and scheduled to look like I didn't write four posts in one day.

I could very well go into the fascinating topic of the biology and proclivities of men and women. Then again, I'm determined to drown out the extremes, negate the call for sterilization of gender, and mend fences.

Oh gawd, adorable tiny fences!

 Clotheslines, too? You can't be mad when it's miniature! (Although, I'm thinking men might immediately object to that.)

But let's not. I didn't exactly say I was DONE being jungle Jane (doesn't have the same zing as Tarzan) but I'm still swinging and not looking to blog under the influence.

For no reason.

Still saving for a charger and stuff. Still making do. Oh, I did paint a less creepy face on one of my dolls.

Annnnd, looking at the date, I better get off of here to start making birthday gifts for my nephews and my friend's little girl in early September. 
Hint: I can't knit. (It's going to be made out of beads.)

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