Thursday, August 23, 2018

The Struggle

Old Me might have panicked immediately when my laptop charger died. New Me was disappointed but determined. I'll be without a laptop for a while but I planned my dedication to writing and being broke for just this sort of inevitability. Solution? Bluetooth Apple keyboard + iPad mini and Word app= temporary writing get-up. It does mean UnSung will slow down, but I'm in a planning phase with it anyway. 

I figured it's time to set down some more work on the Dreampunk Chronicles, the YA Steampunk Fantasy involving two young women desperate to find the reason behind their unique ability to travel between worlds, one of my Word-friendly files. 

It'll take some time to save for a new charger (and fish food and a printer cable). Kind of a stretch but if anyone wants to purchase anything I've crocheted, drop me an email and I can link you with pics of what I have for sale and we can negotiate a price (shipping alone is $5-7 through USPS these days, so keep that in mind).

Either way, there's always gift card surveys! And I always have workarounds and other projects. I'm still not excited about the prospect of aggressive book marketing when I have so much I want to finish first. When I'm not writing, I still like poking at concept sketches for Rock My World. It's a setback, not a roadblock.

It's been a sort of sluggish week though. The passing of a girl I grew up with, one of my earliest friends, has left me glum. I didn't know her very well over the years, mostly just kept connected through social media, but she was a great person and the world has too few. I'm not immobile, but then I'm no stranger to grief and am versed in mobility being crucial to healing.

I'm hoping to pull together some more upbeat posts. Sometimes a contrast to a mood is the medicine you need.

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