Thursday, August 30, 2018


Every once in a while, we do something so groundbreaking, so phenomenal that we just have to share.

This isn't it.

Although, I did get a kick out of scribbling out some 'extreme' designs-in-a-minute. More like a few minutes each, but honesty doesn't have the same ring to it. My nephews think I broke some space-time barriers with my quickness so I like their version best.
A lotta forehead... or not-a forehead.
A nose you could stop a door with... or the oddly cute version of Skeletor's sister?
A girl who never has enough earrings or the alien with four earholes on her left side?
Moose knuckle or the girl who can accidentally lick her own neck?
Yeah, yeah, I know-- work on your comic, Krista. Don't worry; I'm playing with designs there too. I just dug out my old scanner to use until I get a new charger for my laptop and a scan cable for my printer. Even then, my traditional doodles kick some ass too. I'd like to at least roll out my comic's debut episode in hand-drawings. See if my bestie still wants to help me do flats once I get those sketched out. One thing at a time though. 

Did more planning for my second and third books of the series simultaneously since the overlap is becoming more important as I go. Fun stuff, this planning. Mildly irritated that some of my notes are on my laptop for the time being, but they're actually Book 4 details so I can do without them for the time being.

Either way, things are going. Setbacks are whatever. There's always something to do.


  1. Heh, love your exaggerations. Your big-chin one reminds me of an episode of Teen Titans Go! when Robin reveals what he really looks like.

  2. Yes, that's it! I couldn't think of what other cartoon I could've gotten that idea from other than American Dad but I have Cartoon Network on all day so that's the one! There are more features I want to exaggerate so I might do a follow-up post later this week to continue this. It's a great way to cheer up tired kids after school.


Let me know what you think! Constructive feedback is always welcome.