Monday, May 25, 2020

Bomb Ass Day

I’m double-posting today, but, hey, why not?

So my dad fired up the new grill my sis and I got him for his birthday and we had steak, scallops, potato salad and beans. I’d totally forgotten this was Memorial Day weekend so the fireworks here and there didn’t make much sense at first.

I’m still not a fan of fireworks. Can’t help it. It’s the everything. The sound, the flickering, the smell, bleh. But I try not to let it get to me. No point in letting my anxiety ruin a great day.

My cats slept through all of it. Still sleeping as I write this. The only way I could get them up earlier was to make Alexa play cat sounds. They really either want to shut the cats up or find and rescue them, but since that would look about the same in cat body language, it’s anyone’s guess. Cats are assholes sometimes and sweet other times.

I guess tomorrow will be me setting up the Echo Dots I also got for the boys. Couldn’t resist since they’re on sale and I’m not the only one who could use an amusement. Plus, I can send them reminders rather than run all over the house looking for them. Laziness just happens sometimes.

Depending on how motivated I am tomorrow, I may start patterning my boy doll’s armor. I’ll try to remember to take pics for a tutorial post later. Or, rather, a discovery post because I’m just winging it and seeing how it goes.

As my friend Matt asked, if ‘is not’= isn’t, then why not ‘if not’=ifn’t.

Whyn’t, indeed!

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