Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Material Things and Happiness

I’m a pretty simple girl.

Thanks for reading, bye!

Kidding, kidding... but I have a lot of things and not a lot of money, namely because I love things. I leave long trails of wish lists and unchecked shopping carts online because I play with the idea of having more things. Although, practically, I’m all thinged out. I have no more room for things. Now, eventually stuff gets made and those boxes of things dwindle down once I make those things and give them away. I also love giving things away so I’m not a hoarder either.

Truthfully, I mischievously love using the word ‘thing’ when a certain monotone English teacher in college expressed his dislike for the word. Thing a thing thing, thangy thang a thang thing...

I have expensive things, but I’m a saver and a bargain shopper so I set my mind on something and, whether it takes weeks or months, I save for those things. Some of those things... are admittedly not that exciting to get. Some are mildly exciting because they’re a piece of something bigger. Buttons, appliqués, fabric, yarn—sometimes they have to accumulate until they can be used together. And then because of bulk buys being cheaper or the only option, I often have them floating around until I find them a future project to apply them to. And I also gratefully give some away to crafter friends who need them too. Take one or two? Absolutely not! Take 50 and share my dilemma of what else to use them on!

Material things do make me happy. They’re a pleasant distraction and a piece of my creative motivations. Upgrading to digital drawing—yes, please!—but then I’ll buy a ton of paper sketchbooks and pens because I’m not done with traditional yet. I love to master nothing, to just continually explore what I’m capable of. I also love mindless distractions like repetitive sim games and solitary card games. I don’t go looking for people or experiences to fill my life or I’d save for that. I’m not too broke to do that; I just don’t because it pleases me to build my knick knack sanctuary in the comfort of home.

I’m kind of a social mess, in that I can be both entertaining and intimidating. You either can’t get me to talk much or you can’t shut me up. I exhaust myself far more than the social situation or people actually do. Even alone, I’m constantly humming, whistling, singing and talking to myself so I don’t suffer from lack of using my voice. I also prefer writing and reading long messages to having long conversations.

So, naturally, I can’t stand the idea that money can’t buy happiness. Sure, it’s not the only ingredient but it sure as hell helps. I’m happier when I have even a little job to help accumulate and cycle things into the universe. I don’t pine for perfect love or long to see places in pictures. Would I drink in the moments should those things happen? Absolutely! But the only time I feel life is lacking is if I’m not daydreaming the next costly project into reality.

I suppose I’m not THAT simple. For everything I don’t need or want that is commonly wanted or needed, there is something else that does fulfill me. 

And I don’t want anyone to think I aim for a perfectly happy life. No, I never want to lose my edge. Even the pain of anxiety and depression, for how scary it can be, have their place in my growth. Medication? Helps. Healthier habits? Help. Not so healthy vices? Yup, those help too. I’ve always maintained that life works through a balance of bad and good and grey and money is all of those things.

I don’t need a lot of it. I’m pretty broke compared to most adults. Now would I like a larger house—well, yeah. I can put more stuff in it. I could have a doll room, a craft room, a monster luxurious bathroom, room for my family.

But not too big of a house... if it takes more than a minute to reach a destination, too damn big. I’d need water coolers or snack machines along the way for some of those ridiculous luxury houses. 

No, I’m pretty damn happy with the way things are now, but not in a too-content-to-function or bored with it all kind of way. But is there room for more in my life?

Well, not currently but I keep growing into new plans and hopes, so it could happen.

In the meantime, cycling and recycling stuff is the name of the game. Feasible, pleasurable, workable. And I hope I can say that there is always room for improvement. At the same time, to be content with my things and more things works too.

I’m shaking my head right now because all this writing could be towards my book, but I blogged out of casual boredom instead. Annnnd likely bored my reader? Soooooorryyyyy...

Love yoooou...

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