Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Dots Everywhere!

It simply wasn’t enough to have an Echo Dot for myself. So I had to get each of the boys their own too. Marcus had a blast playing DJ and asking Alexa ridiculous math questions, so I knew this would be a hit for them. They can control their Rokus with voice commands too.

Yay, spread the love!

It doesn’t stop there! My cats happen to love chewing on silvervine sticks (which are like a combo of crack and toothbrushes for cats) so I thought it was about time to introduce them to catnip today (which is just plain cat crack; that happens to be the brand name too). So fun will ensue once that order shows up too...

I did a template for the clay breastplate for Maxim this morning but I’m thinking tomorrow is a better day to cut the foam and start the clay work. I like to start clay early since the afternoons get hot. I’ll be working with air dry clay too, so I only have about a half hour window where it’s highly moldable before I just have to let it go and leave the rest to sanding.

Ah, I also have the clay hole punches coming. A cheap little set that I can use to get the right size holes in the clay. I want them to line up so I can tie or otherwise link the chest pieces together. It’s a new idea to try but should be fun to learn the results. I wonder if I could gently press some grommets in, for decoration, but I think I might try that on a sample mold so I don’t break or crack the actual piece. Not that I couldn’t glue and fix it, but I’d rather do some prep than damage control.

It’s still kinda early in the day so I may be motivated to do something. Another 87° day though so, even with the AC on, movement equals stiffness and sweat. Activities requiring bed sound pretty divine... I did stay up late and wake up early so I’m not exactly energized.

I guess that’s it. Gimme a cooler day for some photo taking and typing outside and I’ll be a happy girl. Otherwise, I’m just kinda winging it.

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