Friday, October 27, 2017

Project Weekend

Just running a quick update on where I'm at with projects to start.

I have gotten 20 full page sketches, 9 partial page inserts, and 4 staging pieces for the panorama done this week.  Which leaves my weekend projects looking like:

  1. 5 full page, 2 inserts, 1 pan staging.
  2. Drafting for anthology compilation project (details on this coming next year)
  1. 5 full page, 2 inserts.
  2. More drafting.
5 full page
  1. Even more drafting
  2. Possible inking...
Yes, the inking hasn't been done.  Someday I'm going to save up and get one of those fancy Wacom Mobile Studio Pros and save time, but with wrist issues, I like to cut some corners when it comes to subjecting my hand to the cramptastic tablet.  I may do some inking Monday and Tuesday or take a couple days to relax and organize before NaNoWriMo kicks off on Wednesday.  Then I'll be juggling ink and drafting for UnNamed all of that month.

UnNamed will be submitted for a Nether Ether contest through Publishizer.  I'm hoping to look for publishing agents once I sort out the draft and start a campaign.

I submitted the second book's cover art for a design contest and even if I don't place, I'm hoping to get some critique on my style.  I do like to depart from the norm a bit.  Every genre can benefit from not being subjected to conservatism in either topic or design so I'm doing my part to take risks and pioneer my vision.  Results for that will be posted by the end of October so I hope to be able to blog some good news or at least link the results.

Also my big dumb Pink Convict African Cichlid, PinkiePie, got his dumb ass stuck in a rock today and I had to chisel him out.  He is back to his usual arrogant self and I hope he learned his lesson.  They're probably getting a thorough tank cleaning Monday.  He's one of about two dozen cichlids in a 55 gallon, but only five of them are full grown, the rest are the speckled, striped or pink offspring, the biggest don't exceed two inches for the juveniles.  It's a good workout since I haul out about 20 gallons of dirty water and replace it with primed clean water, bucket by bucket, up and down a flight of stairs.

So, you may not see my usual marketing and social presence, but I'll try to keep major updates blogged or posted somehow.  Heads up, publishing is just the first step and while I'm broke and getting established, time is not just consumed on the creative but also in trying new approaches.  I'm not just going for the ideal to start.  I also wanted to explore the differences in publishing for important aspects like creative control, licensing, marketing, etc.  I'm hoping Publishizer's hybridized approach will be a good lead in for traditional publishing.  I'd love to get UnNamed in the hands of a capable agent and publisher.  This is one I actually did while considering the market.  They can't all be vanity projects but I have high hopes this one will have a wider audience.

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