Monday, October 30, 2017

Soon, My Pretties...

I did just a wee bit of slacking this weekend and ended up with 5 full page illustrations still left to sketch.  Which is a-okay becaaaause...

Two days until NaNoWriMo!  I'm really excited to start UnNamed back up again.  I do have the first 37K drafted and edited, I was able to draft my anthology entry, so really, all I need to work on are the sketches.  

I may have mentioned some of my other works in a previous post but I've decided to do a cover for Iria of the Valley and publish this one free on Wattpad sometime this week.  It'll be my first published attempt at a romance. I'll be publishing romance titles under the pen name Claire Crowe in the future.  This one is more a novella in length with a very basic plot structure and a bit of infuriating cat and mouse.  I will be linking it here and on social networks once it's up.

Nevertheless for the next couple years, my big goal is to finish releasing the books of my flagship series, the Un- Quadrilogy, and some short stories and contests along the way.  Once I knock out the big projects, I'm returning to work on Piscine, my sci-fi crime novel.  I have some convoluted plots planned for that so I wanted to isolate it to my only working project when I go back to it.

Just more musing in blog form, but I look forward to finishing my sketches and prepping to juggle writing and inking for November.  Look forward to some more risque art ahead. I would never say that my books are for women, but let's face it, these books are definitely more appealing to women and I'm okay with that.  Boys have their clubs and I wouldn't expect them to change their vision to accommodate me, so I do my thing because it's my vision.  It's the series that gave me the confidence to write as myself and I am going to enjoy all the wonderful hats I get to wear as an author and all the lovely excuses I have to sexy up my anatomical knowledge combined with my style.

Like I said, I'm not excluding the boys but I know that many men might feel threatened by my views and fantasies and that can't be helped.  It's not present in all my works, but worry not, snowflakes, I do give ample warning.  I am certainly not trying to trick anyone with guarantees or infect anyone with some cleverly hidden agenda. I'm seriously writing purely for the challenge and the entertainment factor.

Anywho!  Great week ahead, I hope, and I look forward to infecting, er, entertaining you in the future...

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