Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Lazy Day

Didn't sleep well last night so I'm not terribly motivated today. Got my dremel/rotary tool in the mail, as well as the silver spray paint, but while waiting for it to come, I made a belt to later glue the hip guards to. Then I just started feeling sluggish, so... it'll be a crochet in bed day.

One of the hip guards could go an extra day of drying anyway, so no big deal. Hopefully I'm up for sanding and sculpting tomorrow. Today, I'm up for yawning and coffee. A little sad that I need coffee to stay awake until bedtime, but there are much sadder truths.

So... if I do get sleep tonight, I'll probably have some progress and pics to share. I do look forward to the distinct possibility of finishing the doll in the next couple of weeks. There's still a sword to carve, pieces to paint, jewels and accents to add, before it is complete, so even two weeks might be stretching it. I don't want to rush the last few steps out of excitement for completion.

Onto crochet then!

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