Monday, January 13, 2020

Tagging Laziness

I know I'm being lazy about tagging my posts lately, but the whole thing with picking keywords so I can find something later, well, it doesn't really apply to what I've been writing lately. I don't really expect many people are reading these. If I did pick up popularity, there's a chance I'll end up using a different official host or scouring through to weed out the more informative or important posts. Because I realize I do babble quite a bit and not everything is useful. I'm just not THAT precious with everything I write.

So this week is the week I hope to get my little writing laptop. Just like with drawing, I always feel like there's something instantly motivational in a new tool. I've got my eye on a purple HP Stream and should be able to get it midweek. Supposed to be getting my haircut and I have a Perkins PJ date to attend this week too, so I'm excited to get through this week.

There's a good topic in there worth writing about but a precarious one I want to take my time with. Since leaving people hanging is a shitty thing to do, let's just say this much: my mom started dating my dad when she was pregnant with me. My biological father has two other daughters. I live with the Dad who raised me, my brother, sister and nephews. It's complicated, and not in the generic social media claim kind of way, but there are details about it that I do intend to share, but with as much care as possible. There are two families that I don't want to hurt by being careless. I love my Dad for always treating me like his own blood. If anything, he is the person that taught me family is not about blood at all, but about the love, trust, and respect you bring.

But because it's a very hard topic, it's one I'm not prepared to just spill out in a quick blog post. I want to give it some thought, separate facts from feelings to be fair, but also validate my feelings, since you shouldn't pretend feelings don't exist in decisions. It will happen, but it takes a lot out of me and I need my energy for work today!

I do want to talk about my crazy cats. Namely Seven this time since she's my adorable little basketcase lately. She loves to massage my stomach and when she does, she always does this weird hag-like hunch with her back. Well, lately, she has taken to walking backwards up my arm and digging her claws in. It doesn't last long (and hurts like hell), but she'll circle around when he stops. This is where I have to pet her or she'll nip me with her teeth a little and do this pissed off meow.

Honestly, I don't know how I always get such weird cats. She-Ra is completely insane when she's in heat, but hopefully, getting fixed will solve that. Because of the weather being unseasonably warm, the both of them keep going into heat and can't get fixed until they stop. And yes, they do tend to mark when they're in heat so I don't enjoy cleaning up after their happy pee time.

Okay, I'm done for now. I thought I wanted to type more, but I really just want to drink coffee and sit here with a deeply pondering look on my face. So, I'll be back when the mood strikes again. Maybe with something useful, maybe with something useless, but either way, I like having a little place to kill time. Peace!

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